Tuesday 24 April 2012

A runner's tale

It was the London Marathon on Sunday, and 11 wonderful people donned BRACE vests and ran 26 miles for us. We’ve featured some of them already on our Facebook page, and we salute them all.

One of them was Jo Earlam, who was the first BRACE runner to finish and achieved a personal best time. She did it for her Granny, her Dad and other people close to her who have suffered from dementia. Here, she tells her Granny all about it in an open letter. Thank you, Jo, for the huge effort you have put in for us, and for sharing with us your own moving story.

Dear Granny,

Running the London Marathon for the Alzheimer’s charity BRACE was awesome! I’ve run 10 marathons and raised money before, but this one was different, this one was for you.

It was the most incredible experience, like being on a river of human emotion. Thousands were running for causes close to their hearts, to unwavering cheers and support. When it got really tough you only had to see the messages and photos on shirts to forget your aching legs and carry on.

So many people with so many memories – thinking of loved ones and long hours in training.

I was hoping to crack four hours, to be a “proper” runner! Not quite there, but I did get a PB at 4:05:07, hurrah!

I know you’ll be proud of me just for doing it. You always took pride in your grandchildren. Stephen’s daughter Carly was there, cheering along runners for MNDA, another cause close to our family’s heart.

And so tragic, granny, this year a young girl, Claire Squires, running for the Samaritans died before reaching the finish line. Her remarkable legacy is that hundreds of thousands of pounds have been donated since.

So many good causes – £50 million raised by runners overall. BRACE is one of those good causes and it’s special to have run for it – in memory of you, nanny, John’s mum, and our dear friend Stan. Plus now of course Dad, bless him, with vascular dementia, and my friend Dave, only in his 50s, but also suffering.

That’s why what BRACE is doing is so important, funding groundbreaking research into Alzheimer’s.

When I was a child and you fell ill, I couldn’t give you your memory back. I hope by running for BRACE I can help others keep their own memories alive all of their life.

Still miss you after all these years.

Your loving grand daughter,


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