Wednesday 23 January 2013

Losers are also winners

The news that the price of a Lotto ticket is to increase to £2 is followed by the news that the percentage going to good causes will be lower. It drops from 33% to 31%.

We have to assume that the main motive for most people buying a ticket is the hope that they will win zillions and live on a yacht. However, a lot of people will be miffed to think that less of their losings will go to help a charity or community project somewhere.

With this in mind, I thought I’d tell you about the BRACE lottery. We have a 500 Club, regulated by the licensing authority local to our head office, which happens to be South Gloucestershire Council. It costs just £1 a week to take part and the winner gets 25% of the takings.

I think this compares rather well with Lotto and other commercial lotteries. It costs less to enter and 75% of income ends up in funds for dementia research. The other 25% goes to the winner, who is someone who has chosen to support our charity in this way.

We currently have about 240 participants, so we are roughly half way to the maximum allowed within the rules. The winner in any week therefore receives a cheque for about £60. This is a tad lower than the telephone number sums you might dream about when you buy a Lotto ticket, but it won’t ruin your life if you win. You also have a much higher chance of winning than the millions to one odds that face Lotto customers.

Of course, if you join the 500 Club, you marginally increase the odds against any one person winning and you add 25 pence to the jackpot each week.

Above all, whatever the outcome, you will know that your main motive is to help beat dementia and that 75 pence of your pound has gone straight into that fight. Even when you don’t win, you win.

Interested? All you need do is visit our 500 Club page, download the form, complete it and send it to us.

Who won the lottery? Who tipped the fight against dementia?

It might be you.

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