Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Motivated people

One of the wonderful things about working for a charity is getting to know people who care about the cause. Care enough to do something challenging and sometimes daft in order to raise money or just make people aware.

Paul Dickinson is one such person. His day job is financing small businesses by getting them the bank loans they need to start or expand. You’d expect to find him in a smart suit but, for the third year in a row, we find him in running gear on a Sunday afternoon in February, slogging ten miles for BRACE. Paul lives in Weston-super-Mare and his event of choice is the Weston Tough Ten. If you’re not a regular athlete, ten miles through muddy woodland and over sand in winter is a tall order.

Paul said afterwards, "I did it! 941st this year but I did a much better time, 25 minutes quicker than last year!"

His fundraising page is here if you want a look.

I know Paul has strong reasons for supporting us. Alzheimer’s has caused suffering in his family. It’s personal.

We have a growing list of runners, cyclists and others entering sponsored events, not all of them young or fit. Many of them come with heart-rending stories about what dementia did to their mum or their granddad. All of them have discovered the curious alchemy that converts sweat and commitment into money and then into painstaking scientific research. We salute them.

Wednesday, 22 February 2012

What do you want from us?

We've never had a blog before, so this is new territory for BRACE. We want to have even more of a conversation with our supporters and anyone interested in what we are doing.

What are we doing? In short, we raise money to fight Alzheimer’s through medical research. The long version is something we want to ask you about!

It would be easy to assume that we know what people want to know about, and we might be wrong. Do you want lots about the latest research? Or more about upbeat fundraising events? Or stories about real people whose lives are blighted by dementia? Or stories about our amazing volunteers, the people who are helping us carry the fight to dementia?

Whatever you want, please tell us. You will be helping us tell our story, and a remarkable story it is. If you don’t want to add a public comment below this blog, you can email me 

By the way, you can also follow us on our well-established Facebook page and on Twitter.

Thank you!